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South Hill Primary school recognises that internet, mobile and digital technologies provide positive opportunities for children and young people to learn, socialise and play but they also need to understand the challenges and risks. The digital world is an amazing place, but with few rules. It is vast and fast moving and young people’s future economic success may be partly dependent on their online skills and reputation. We are, therefore, committed to ensuring that pupils, staff and governors will be supported to use internet, mobile and digital technologies safely. This is part of our safeguarding responsibility. Staff are aware that some pupils may require additional support or teaching, including reminders, prompts and further explanation to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of online safety issues.


We are also committed to ensuring that all those who work with children and young people, including their parents/carers, are informed about the ever-changing risks so that they can take an active part in helping children and young people navigate the online world safely and confidently. Staff have an annual online safety review, with parents and carers receiving monthly online safety tips in the school newsletter.


We currently use the document ‘Education for a Connected World’ and resources from Project Evolve to plan and implement our half termly online safety sessions across the school (EYFS to Year 6). Each term, delivers a different aspect of online safety with bespoke sessions adopted when required, see the long term plan for details of our curriculum.




We are also lucky to have a team of Digital Leaders at South Hill, whose role it to promote online safety and share their love of all things digital! All digital leaders have to apply for their role and are shortlisted and interviewed by the previous year’s Digital Leader team.

Digital leader’s responsibilities include:


· Learning how to use key software, so that they can be a help to others.

· Have a good understanding on how to stay safe with technology and share with others.

· Trialling potential new software and websites, then demonstrating them to other children and teachers.

· Writing blog posts and commenting on other blogs

· Set up equipment in classrooms for teachers.

· Helping to lead the school forwards within the subject of Computing.

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Recursos y guías de seguridad

Childnet International es una organización sin fines de lucro que trabaja con otros para ayudar a hacer de Internet un lugar excelente y seguro para los niños. Haga clic en el logo de abajo


Childnet International es una organización sin fines de lucro que trabaja con otros para ayudar a hacer de Internet un lugar excelente y seguro para los niños. Haga clic en el logo de abajo

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Teléfono: 01442 402127

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Haga clic en estos logotipos para ir directamente a sus sitios web.

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© Escuela Primaria South Hill 2014

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