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Forest School

‘Forest School’ is a Scandinavian concept where the learning is outdoor based. Many forest school activities evolve from the children’s interests, ideas, and the natural resources found in our grounds.

The outdoor sessions promote confidence, self-esteem and independence.  At South Hill, we are passionate about developing the whole child and in using our amazing grounds to enhance learning.  Benefits of forest school sessions include increased confidence, improved behaviour, improved concentration, independence, and development of social, emotional and physical skills.

Forest school is all about exploring and experiencing the natural world through practical activities.  The children go outside in all weathers, exploring and learning from the seasons and environment changes. Natural resources stimulate creative thinking, problem solving and skill development, all in the guise of play.  The children also learn to care for the environment and appreciate the seasonal  changes,  developing an empathy for wildlife.

Most importantly, alongside the learning, the children have fun!

We are delighted to be able to offer every child at South Hill the chance to participate in Forest School during the academic year. EYFS participate all year round,  Years 5 and 6 Autumn term, Years 1 and 2 Spring term and Years 3 and 4 Summer term!

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Pupil Voice

'I like forest school because you get to do fun activities and Mrs Evans makes it even more fun every week with everything we do' Ellie Yr 5


'I enjoy learning outdoors and exploring the forest' Niamh Yr 6


'I enjoy forest school because I like to be outdoors and I like the atmosphere and the sound of the birds' Isabella Yr 6

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