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Artsmark Gold Award

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'You clearly value the Arts and recognise their contribution to your mission statement of 'Building Character, Learning Together' at South Hill Primary School.  You have used your Artsmark journey to develop children's understanding of arts and artists from a wider variety of different cultural heritages, so that cultural diversity is being promoted through your arts curriculum and your annual International Day. Music is a growing strength within your overall arts offer with lessons provided by a specialist music teacher. Your partnership with Hertfordshire Music Service is providing opportunities for children in Key Stage 2 to participate in instrumental tuition, including ukulele and Djembe drumming. Pupils can also participate in Choir extra-curricular club and have opportunities to showcase and celebrate their musical achievements locally and at national events, such as at Young Voices.


Astutely, you have capitalised on the skills and expertise of various school stakeholders, including a parent who is an animator. This opportunity, along with the chance for children to see a range of artists and makers at work at the Dacorum Arts Centre, has enabled pupils to develop an understanding of carer pathways and job opportunities in the Arts. Teachers' confidence has increased as a result of their training from local secondary colleagues in drawing, watercolour and collagraph printing. 


Congratulations on completing your Artsmark journey.


We are delighted to inform you that your setting has been awarded an Artsmark Gold Award! Award. Congratulations!'


Arts Council England

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© দক্ষিণ পার্বত্য প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় 2014

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