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A Parent Guide to the Wellbeing Support at South Hill School

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Meet the Team

Everyone at South Hill School is committed to ensuring that every child and family is supported to have and maintain healthy wellbeing. 

The team above work together to focus on ensuring that the daily life for children and families is positive, both at school and at home.  Read more about them over the page!


Wellbeing for ALL


At South Hill School, we take pride in the pastoral support we offer our pupils and families. We have a wellbeing team which focuses on supporting pupils’ personal development and welfare. Our wellbeing team signposts families to services they may need. Through our therapeutic approach to behaviour, we promote resilience and independence.  We use the ‘Zones of Regulation’ across the school, which is a behaviour approach used to teach pupils to self-regulate their emotions and to take ownership over their behaviour. Our aim is to make sure we have happy pupils who are ready to learn.  We very much believe that good wellbeing underpins good behaviour and good learning.  It is therefore the centre of the ethos at South Hill.


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Mrs Donley

Mrs Albery

Mrs Evans

Mr Braithwaite


Miss Iroegbu​


Mrs Khan


At South Hill we incorporate into our curriculum and extra-curricular activities many different ways to enhance wellbeing.

Connect: PSHE curriculum, Clubs – Roxolid, stop and sit, mindfulness activities, friendship bench, Year 6 buddies, choir trips, singing assembly, international day, South Hill Festival

Be Active:  PE curriculum, sports clubs – Dance, Football, Multi Sports, Sports Festivals, Sports Day, teams, matches, daily mile, playtime activities – K2, smoky trail, basketball, football, multi activities, Go Noodle, Active maths



Take Notice:  Forest School, Eco team – litter pick, stop and sit, RSPB Birdwatch, science experiments, art week and art gallery


Give:  NSPCC number day, school ambassadors, visits to retirement homes, making cards, PTA gifts, eco team, litter pick


Keep Learning:  The whole school curriculum, clubs – first aid, maths, science, sports, arts, music, choir, rock steady band, offsite school visits, picture news assemblies, learning to play an instrument e.g. ukelele


Our mental health and wellbeing team

Mrs Donley, Senior Assistant Headteacher, is overall responsible for wellbeing and mental health support in the school.  Mrs Donley ensures that individuals, groups and classes have access to the support they need, as well as being the SENCO and Safeguarding Lead in the school.

Mrs Albery, as well as being Sparrows class teacher is the lead for wellbeing in the school and Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) Curriculum Leader.  She has created a sensory garden, led mental health and wellbeing assemblies, led the school council, and continues to keep our pages on the school website up to date.

Mrs Evans, as well as being a co-class teacher for Ash class, is our Forest School leader and mental health first aider.  Mrs Evans has designed the Forest School curriculum and teaches all year groups throughout the year.  On Thursday mornings, she takes small groups of children for additional forest school sessions, as an intervention to support self-esteem and confidence.

Miss Iroegbu is our Pastoral Support Assistant and she assists parents to find support when needed and gives advice and practical help.  Miss Iroegbu runs coffee mornings for parents / carers throughout the year – so do look out for these and come along to meet her when you can.  Do ask for a meeting with Mis Iroegbu if there is anything that affects your day to day living and engagement in school.

Carley Donaldson is our Gade Family Support Worker.  She often works alongside Miss Iroegbu with all things family orientated.  She will support families with Family First Assessments that helps identify different needs and works with families to make plans to address tricky situations.  Families can self refer to Carley, who can be contacted directly through Gade Family Services Admin:  01442 278793

Our Mental Health Support Team

Our team consists of trained staff who work with children with identified different levels of need.  Mrs Donley, alongside teachers and parents/carers decides which adult might be best to work with individual children and the objectives of the work.  All work with children is for time limited periods.  If ongoing support is needed, the family or school may make a referral to the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

Mr Brathwaite, more commonly known as Mr B, alongside his PE, sports and class cover role, has training as an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA).  Mr B works with a number of children during the week to support with emotions and resilience.  He works with children who have suffered bereavement, suffer with anxiety or anger and at times carries out SMART moves interventions to support physical development.

Mrs Khan is also a certified Play and Arts Therapist as well as being a qualified teacher who also works with children with Special Educational Needs. Mrs Khan works in school one day a week and uses a child-led therapy or counselling approach.  Mrs Khan may also provide drawing and talking therapy for children and provide protective behaviours support.

Julia Clift works with Gade Family Support and is our pupil support worker.  We refer for Julia’s help for short pieces of work with children e.g. protective behaviours and anxiety tools.


Alongside these incredible professionals we also, at times, make use of the school nursing service.

If you would like to know and see more of what we provide at

South Hill School please take a look at our website:

Wellbeing page for parents:

Wellbeing page for pupils:

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Telefoni: 01442 402127


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